Saturday, June 1, 2019
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Paddle Conaby Creek and enjoy the areas rich history and wildlife.
Tickets: $20/person
Your Ticket Includes:
· Light Breakfast & Snacks ·
Paddle Overview:
On Saturday, June 1, 2019, the Washington County Historical Society/Port o’ Plymouth Museum is offering an exciting paddle route. This pristine paddle trip is located on Conaby Creek. It is an area marked by natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and a rich history. The paddle departs from Bear Track Landing at Conaby Creek and will travel down to the NC HWY 45 Bridge.
With regard to our estimated paddle times, bear in mind that individual paddle times will vary depending on wind speed and direction, amount of current, paddler’s experience, physical conditioning, pace, type of boat, and amount of stops to take pictures and soak in the natural beauty.
REGISTRATION for the paddle IS REQUIRED. Register HERE now and pay LATER!
Want to learn more about our event? Check out the FAQ / Schedule page for more information.